Tuesday 15 March 2016

Oh My God! How Did I Get Into This?

This is the loud thought of a man that woke up beside a woman who is four times his size and…guess what? She is his wife.I married a slim pretty lady but now I can’t even lift one of her legs.

Maybe that’s your story or experience or maybe you know someone going through that right now.  The question is, how should we prevent this scenario from being your story? And if it does, how should you handle it?

It is crucial to know the particular shape and size that you are attracted to and go after your spec, let your partner know the shape and size that you are attracted to as well.  Any issue you can’t handle in your partner, voice it out and make your stand on it known to your partner at the initial time when the love boat is still at the shore.    Don’t start yelling and acting funny when the ship sets sail in the middle of the sea. In other words, if you don’t like fat or increase in body mass and size talk about it at the beginning when the attraction is still fresh. 

Also don't rule out the fact she is human and has a 99.9% tendency to add, especially after child birth, except when it caused by laziness and glutton.

Also state expressly the remedy that you would both adopt when nature serves you the seeming inevitable which you didn’t bargain for. When she adds some excess pounds or weight and you are no longer attracted to her stature, talk about the possible measures to adopt, whether a compromise can be reached; at least agree on that now!
Bottom Line:  
Never overlook any important detail or signal at the beginning of your relationship. 
Don't think you can always get your partner to adhere to your terms when the argument gets heated and matters get out of hand. Think ahead, start now!

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